My family bring glory and praises to God and invite friends to rejoice with us because it happen tonight, August 27, 2010, 10:35 PM.
I (mom) have been praying that my girls will grow up loving the Lord. Before her 5th birthday in February, i was planning to personally evangelize Aleeyah but i never invested in my time to prepare to talk to her so it did not happen during her birthday. I never gave up praying for an opportunity. Before her vacation in July, i thought to myself, this vacation is gonna be an opportunity. But then I got hooked up hosting visitors, preparing for the pastors' wives retreat, and other unexpected ministry related activities. So again, I thought to myself, when i get back from the retreat, at least she still have one week of vacation before school starts, so i will be able to devote that whole week for her and her little sister. So then this will be the week that i will present to her the massage of salvation.
Well, tonight, 10 PM, while everybody is already sleeping Aleeyah asked if she could take a shower again because she's feeling itchy. So she did but then she called me to help her. While helping her shower she told me "Mommy, I really want to be a good girl but I cannot." So i told her, "Well honey, you really cannot be a good girl by yourself, you have to ask God to help you. All people were born with sin in their hearts that is why even if they want to be a good person, without God they cannot do it. You know what I have a storybook for you. Its called the WORDLESS BOOK." She looked at me and was interested because she always likes books and stories. After drying her body, i sent her to her room to get dress while i went to the internet, downloaded the wordless book pages message and find some colorful papers in the office. While i was preparing all this, I was praying and claiming that this is the day that the Lord has designated for her to have a personal experience with Him.
I went to her room, we put the colored paper together in a book form and started telling the story of each color. When we finished through all the colors, she asked me to do it again. I didn't finish the message of the last color (green) yet when she told me she wants to talk to God right away. And she prayed by herself
Well, tonight, 10 PM, while everybody is already sleeping Aleeyah asked if she could take a shower again because she's feeling itchy. So she did but then she called me to help her. While helping her shower she told me "Mommy, I really want to be a good girl but I cannot." So i told her, "Well honey, you really cannot be a good girl by yourself, you have to ask God to help you. All people were born with sin in their hearts that is why even if they want to be a good person, without God they cannot do it. You know what I have a storybook for you. Its called the WORDLESS BOOK." She looked at me and was interested because she always likes books and stories. After drying her body, i sent her to her room to get dress while i went to the internet, downloaded the wordless book pages message and find some colorful papers in the office. While i was preparing all this, I was praying and claiming that this is the day that the Lord has designated for her to have a personal experience with Him.
I went to her room, we put the colored paper together in a book form and started telling the story of each color. When we finished through all the colors, she asked me to do it again. I didn't finish the message of the last color (green) yet when she told me she wants to talk to God right away. And she prayed by herself
"Dear God, please forgive me because i have sin in my body,
please make me become a good girl and grow big....bye."
please make me become a good girl and grow big....bye."
While she was praying, i was in tears as i am very happy and after she prayed i can see the thrill in her eyes and in her smile. I gave her a hug, and told her that she has become a child of God! We had more conversations and then she went to bed with a real wide smile.
Please do pray for this little young child of God to grow in her faith and love in God. Please pray for Mom and Dad to be good examples and mentors towards a godly and abundant life. Please pray for the people and circumstances that she will encounter in her life to help her grow loving and serving God.
Thank you... and all the glory and praises belongs to God!
Please do pray for this little young child of God to grow in her faith and love in God. Please pray for Mom and Dad to be good examples and mentors towards a godly and abundant life. Please pray for the people and circumstances that she will encounter in her life to help her grow loving and serving God.
Thank you... and all the glory and praises belongs to God!