Making Christmas meaningful for Aleeyah and Esher, I (Mom) had a little plan. I intended not to join Greg much in his travel to the province Christmas programs so that I can spend more time to Aleeyah and Esher
They decorated their own Christmas tree. They had fun with more playing than working. It was a fun time for all of us.
I put up a Christmas countdown the night before December 1. This Christmas countdown have small surprises in it such as candies, chocolates, hair clips, lollipops etc. But there are also big surprises specially for weekends. Such big surprises are activities shown in the pictures below. While we do these activites we talked about Christmas and about Jesus.
Visit WBI to enjoy the wide space, running, getting dirty and just have fun. In this picture above you see Aleeyah picked the flowers of grass and she is planting it back in the sand :) you can see her video of her made up musical in the left side bar...
On one Saturday morning, I took them in a "motodop" (single motorbike taxi) to go fly their kites at the riverbank.
They sort out their clothes to give away: all clothes that does not fit them anymore goes to the suitcase for giveaways and all clothes that still fit them goes back to their cabinet. They had fun doing this
On the morning of the 24th, they received another big surprise from daddy. Daddy arrived from the Christmas service of Takeo Church and they were giving the Samaritan's Christmas box. Ptr. Poleak gave one for Aleeyah and one for Esher. The girls were very excited. Each box contained pencils, erasers, sharpeners, notebooks, toothbrush, toothpaste, bathsoap, hairclips, combs, hairties, stufftoys, some neckleaces and bracelets etc.
Of course on Christmas Eve , we had our traditional family dinner. Just as simple baked chicken, baked macaroni spaghetti and some sweet macaroni salad for dessert.
Esher Passionately telling what she likes and why she likes Christmas. All of us had to share what we like and why we like Christmas.
Don't forget the gift: Daddy explained why we give gift on Christmas, because God gave His son Jesus Christ as a gift to us. Esher got a small xylophone.
Bong Rachana got a photo album
After our Christmas dinner, we watch the nativity but daddy was too tired and went to bed early. Aleeyah thought the movie was scary so she joined her dad to bed early. So it was only Esher and Mom who finished the movie.
After our Christmas dinner, we watch the nativity but daddy was too tired and went to bed early. Aleeyah thought the movie was scary so she joined her dad to bed early. So it was only Esher and Mom who finished the movie.
On some of the Sundays, we attend International Christian Fellowship because Aleeyah likes the English Sunday school. She is learning so much. Here you see her making a friend
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