Aleeyah's first day of summer school

Enjoying the outdoor play ground

Aleeyah kisses, hugs and prays for her little sister before leaving for school. Both Aleeyah and Esher are being prayed for when mommy or daddy leaves home for work or ministry. When Aleeyah leaves for school, it's either Esher asks her sister to pray for her or it's Aleeyah who extends the prayer.

Guess what? Is Aleeyah watching the heavy traffic or the trees? While taking her to school that morning, Aleeyah was so quiet at the back seat (she normally talks a lot). We wondered why. So we asked her, "Aleeyah, why are you so quiet today?" She replied,
"I am talking to God." Out of curiosity, we inquired further, "What are you talking to God about? "Money, so I can go to school", she replied. Then we (Greg and Resie) look at each other and smiled. Suddenly, we felt at peace that God will provide for her schooling. I guess the 40 minutes drive from home to school gives her plenty of time to talk to God.

At the end of the summer class, the teachers put up a school play called
The Magic Forest. Here you see Aleeyah as one of the girl fairies singing to the lost children in the forest,
"We are the fairies, the little girl fairies, we are here to help you all get home".

On the grand opening day, a week after summer school, all parents and their families were invited to attend the opening program of the school to get acquainted with the school curriculum and program. It was fun and interesting to get connected with the school staff and teachers and to tour the school facility. This picture shows Aleeyah's classroom during the morning session.

This is the afternoon session/phonics classroom

Esher was with us too during the grand opening. At her age, she is fascinated by colorful things especially toys. She grabbed the opportunity to walk around and explore what toys the school has. She had fun indeed whatever toys she could touch or play.
A pose with Chumraen on her 21st birthday. For the last three years, Chumraen and Aleeyah were close like sisters. During those three years, Chumraen comes to our house everyday to be with her. They play together, watch TV together and go to the beauty parlor together. After returning from the Philippines and moving out of the old WBI, they do not see each other much. But on Chumraen's birthday, it was a great time for them to see each other even just for a while.

Best friends, that's what they are since they were babies. But ever since her family left the school, Hannah and Aleeyah do not see each other much. So when they are together, they make the best of it.

Esher poses with this fried chicken before she eats it during Chumraen's birthday

A family portrait of the Kung Family. And yes, you see Aleeyah and Esher with them-the extended family. Ptr. Kimsan is the first grandpa they ever knew and Aleeyah calls him
Look Tha in Khmer, which means grandfather in English.

This is our precious Somnang. She lives with us since February 2009. She helps us in the house and with the kids. Initially, she's with us while waiting for a job opportunity in Malaysia as house helper. But earlier this August she expressed her desire to study at the Bible School. Few days ago, during dinner time, Resie asked her, "What encouraged you to study at the Bible school?" She answered, "Ever since I stayed with your family, I always felt the Holy Spirit was leading me to study." Ptr. Greg further asked, "So do you want to become a pastor?" She replied, "Yes. I want to serve God." "You just passed the interview", Greg said, and we laughed.
Somnang really have a heart to learn more about God. She was ready for the opening of the school this October but since the school opening is delayed till January 2010 this will give her more time to save money to pay for her schooling. Please help us pray that she will continue to have the burning desire to study at the Bible School to prepare her life for service of the King.

Do they look alike? Mommy and the girls having a good time during nap time

While Resie is busy doing her office work in her office in the bedroom, Greg keep the girls busy in the living room. Here is a pose after taking many shots.

Aleeyah wants to be a singer and a teacher when she grew up like her mom and dad (although we are not professional singers, we can carry a tune). Here you see Aleeyah singing
"Behold behold I stand at the door and knock knock knock. Behold behold i stand at the door and knock knock knock. If anyone hear my voice, If anyone hear my voice, I will open, open, open the door and will come in." 
Aleeyah as a flower girl during the mock wedding of Som On and Channa for Resie's class,
Worship and Programming 
Aleeyah and Esher having fun with
Bong (Khmer word for an older brother or sister) Adam during our new apartment's prayer dedication on September 1.
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